What is your refund policy?
What is your refund policy?
We offer a 30-day refund policy after you`ve received your order. It applies to full or partial refunds, product exchanges, damaged products or if you are in any way dissatisfied with our products.
First, you need to notify us that you are willing a refund. We`ll review your case and decide whether you are accepted for a full, partial or no refund. You will be refunded only on the price of the product, shipping and handling cannot be reimbursed. After we make a refund it may take a few days for your local banking institution to process the payment.
You can read all about our refund policy here: https://essenceofargan.com/policies/refund-policy
If you have any more questions, you can contact us via email at customerservice@essenceofargan.com or any regional phone number, stated on our Contact page - https://essenceofargan.com/pages/contact